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Step Aside, Excuses! Saving for Retirement is easier than you think.

Saving for retirement is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Sadly, 57% of American workers report having less than $25,000 in combined retirement savings and investments.

So, why aren’t more people planning for the future? Let’s review three of the most common reasons people aren’t saving for retirement and why you need to make it a priority today — no matter what.

1. “I can’t afford to save for retirement. I need every penny of my paycheck.”

The truth is you can’t afford not to save for retirement. Could you live on $16,000 a year? If you aren’t saving for retirement, this is a realistic estimate of your annual income from Social Security benefits, which breaks down to $1,335 per month for housing, food, bills, entertainment, health care, etc. — and that’s before inflation takes its effect.

We understand money is often tight, and saving for retirement looks like an easy expense to cut out of your budget. But saving pre-tax is a lesser hit on your disposable income due to the ability to defer taxes on your contributions, so you save more and your bottom line suffers less. Do yourself a favor and reconsider saving even a little bit each month for the future. Your future self will thank you.

2. “I’m only 25 years old and retirement is over 30 years away! I have plenty of time to start saving later in life.”

While retirement may seem far away right now, taking steps early in your career has the potential to pay off down the road. Even waiting just a few years to start saving could result in significant lost earnings. Remember, it’s never too late to take positive steps toward a secure future. Regardless of how far along you are in your career, there is still time to make a difference by starting today. Don’t wait any longer — your future is too important. (See the “Advantages of Saving Early” chart below)

3. “I love my job and don’t plan on ever retiring. I don’t need to save.”

If this is your reason for not saving, you are a fortunate person. While it is a blessing that you find fulfilment and joy in your work, it is unrealistic to think you can work forever. This attitude can even be considered irresponsible.

According to a 2015 survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), 50% of retirees report leaving the work force earlier than planned.1 The EBRI attributes this statistic largely to unforeseen health issues and unexpected circumstances at home or work. In other words, there are things we think we can control, but life often throws us curveballs that we can not control.

No one wants to think about these unfortunate reasons for early retirement, but they are real possibilities to consider. By saving for retirement, you are developing a plan to protect yourself against future uncertainties.

Whether you have been using one of these excuses or are facing other obstacles, there is still time to make a positive change. Servant Solutions is here to help you take the right steps toward saving for retirement and prioritizing your long-term goals — simply visit

Start today so you can continue to live the life you want and to meet the needs of your family and others tomorrow!