Servant Solutions

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Are You Aware of These Three Benefits from Servant Solutions?

Are you aware of how many valuable services are available through your participation in the Servant Solutions Retirement Plan?  Let’s take a moment to look at some highlights. 

Statement of Estimated Benefits

Let’s start with the Statement of Estimated Benefits.  Of course, you are intimately familiar with the quarterly statements and informational newsletters that you receive to help you in your planning.  But your statement is simply information and a snapshot in time of how your investment account is doing at the end of a particular quarter or the end of the year.  Servant Solutions can also provide you with a Statement of Estimated Benefits (SEB) on request.  

The SEB is more than just a snapshot.  It actually provides projections of your accumulations and potential benefits based on assumptions. Getting a Statement of Estimated Benefits can provide a bit of a look into the future to see the type of distribution options and income that may be available to you come retirement time.

Customized Financial Plan

While an SEB is very helpful, it only projects income levels.  A more comprehensive way for you to plan and to know that you are on track with your finanaces and your retirement planning is to consider doing a Servant Solutions Financial Roadmap.  A member of the Servant Solutions financial planning team is eager to partner with you to construct your personal, confidential financial plan.  This in-depth process is made easy by your planner at Servant Solutions and takes into consideration savings, budgeting, retirement planning, college for children, debt management and other important financial elements.  The entire process is designed to give you peace of mind and knowledge that you are on track or making the adjustments to place your financial situation on solid ground. 

You can learn more about this process on the website.  Go to the “Services” heading and select “Financial Education”. The beautiful thing about entering into a financial planning process with one of our professionals? As a member, there is absolutely no cost to you.  Our Money Guide Pro financial planning system will produce a digital plan that you can access 24/7 and is interactive.  The end result is your own financial plan that is dynamic and can help you prepare for your future.

Document Preparation Services

One other great benefit for Servant Solutions Members is the document preparation service available through our partnership with Principal.  Through ARAG Legal, Servant Solutions members have access to competent legal counsel for preparation of key family legal documents.  This is another free service made available to participants in the retirement plan.  For more information on these helpful services, visit our website at and choose “Estate Planning Documents” under Services.

Our mission is “Improving Financial Security for Servants of the Church.”  We are proud of the retirement program we provide, and we would be honored to help you reach your Retirement goals.  Contact us today!