Servant Solutions

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Gathering Their Thoughts


Research shows that people who work with a financial planner have significantly more income, net worth, and retirement savings than those who do their own planning. Financial plans—called Financial Roadmaps here at Servant Solutions—communicate longer-term financial outcomes to our members and are helpful in aligning expectations. Here are some thoughts from people who have completed the Financial Roadmap process with Bob Haymond, the resident Certified Financial Planner (CFP) at Servant Solutions.

Jennifer, a Director of Communications and Operations, said: “For me, the most fun part of the process was talking with Bob. He’s a great guy. It was fun. I was expecting it would be a difficult conversation, but it really wasn’t. And there was no judgment, which I really appreciated.”

Bob Haymond says, “Financial plans are not just for the wealthy. If you are currently living paycheck to paycheck, have little retirement savings, and can’t seem to make it to the next level of your financial goals, then a financial plan may be just what you need. A financial plan can make a big difference in your financial situation.”

Linda, a pastor’s wife from Tennessee, shared her experience: “We have tried, with the compensation packages we have given, to plan well. But we didn’t know if we had planned well enough. Being here today has answered so many questions and given us a sense of peace.”

What can you expect from the Servant Solutions Financial Roadmap process?

We send you a PDF to complete and gather the needed information. From there, we plan either a face-to-face meeting, either via Zoom or in person. The meeting usually takes about 60 to 90 minutes and can be scheduled outside of regular business hours—whatever works for your busy schedule.

Lori, a Pastor of Special Events in Oklahoma, was especially thankful for the personal connection with Servant Solutions and the helpful financial planning software. “Bob took all of our investments, not just what we had through Servant Solutions, but everything we had—mutual funds, all of it together—to make a complete picture for us. That was really an awesome resource to see all together.”

“I’m just thankful there’s an organization that ‘gets’ it. That ‘gets’ the ministry, that understands what we do and understands our particular challenges. Why not let the people who understand what you’re going through, who understand what you need, who understand the importance of retirement—why not let them handle it? I did, and I’m really glad I did,” mentioned Marty Grubbs, Sr. Pastor at Crossings Community Church in Oklahoma City.

Theodis Barnes had a few words of advice for those who are younger and just starting to plan their budget. “A word to the wise: get into [retirement saving] as early as you can and trust the Lord for the rest.” His wife, Dr. Leslie Parker Barnes, says: “It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to say, ‘This is something I’ve never done before. I don’t know what to do.’ And it’s all right to ask someone with the knowledge and even the track record. And it’s been good. They have helped us, indeed.”

“Start right now. Start yesterday,” says Bill Bunyar, the spouse of a church staff member. “The quicker you can take advantage of these services and make adjustments, the better your Financial Roadmap will be.”

For most of us, our resources are limited, and we all want to make wise decisions. Prepare for tomorrow by planning today and find a path that allows for an impactful life of ministry in retirement. A little bit of preparation and information can help you make significantly better financial decisions. Contact us today. We’ll help you chart a solid financial course that allows for peace of mind.

Servant Solutions, Serving Those Who Serve.