The Servant Solutions Retirement Plan

At Servant Solutions, our mission is simple: to provide retirement solutions for those dedicated to serving the church. For over 75 years, we’ve partnered with ministries, pastors, and staff, making sure they have the financial security they need for retirement.

Christian Ministries are at the heart of what we do. We understand the unique challenges you face, and we’re here to help you navigate them. Our retirement plans are specifically designed to address the needs of ministers, church workers, and Christian organization employees, offering tax-saving strategies not available through other plans.

If your employer is a church or a non-profit organization that shares common religious bonds and convictions with the Church of God, we would love to serve you, too. Here are a few of the denominations and organizations we currently serve:

Please contact us to see if your employer is eligible to participate!

Servant Solutions lives up to its name – they have the right solution to many church and para-church staff retirement challenges that we face, and they provide this professional assistance like that of a servant of Jesus. We are grateful to be partners with this God-honoring ministry group.
— Gary Johnson, E2Elders

Types of Plan Contributions

  • Employees can elect to have their employer withhold money from their paycheck that can be contributed as pre-tax, after-tax, and/or Roth contributions.

  • Employers can make a pre-tax contribution on behalf of their employees.


  • To be eligible for participant or employer contributions to the plan, persons must receive W-2 taxable income from a Plan-approved church or organization. Participants can be part-time, full-time or bi-vocational.


The Servant Solutions Retirement Plan is a 403b(9) church plan that offers unique benefits for ministers and church staff. Here’s how we can serve you:

  • Wide-range of investment choices

  • Low fees

  • Retired ministers may have retirement benefits designated as a tax-free housing allowance, within legal limits.

  • Employer contributions are not subject to Social Security tax and income tax at the time of contribution.

  • Pre-tax participant contributions by ministers are not subject to Social Security tax.

  • Rollovers from other eligible retirement plans or Traditional IRAs are possible without tax consequence.

  • Contributions, earnings on all contributions and rollovers are tax-deferred.

  • Flexible distribution options

  • Required distributions at age 73 can be delayed if you are still working.

  • Employees have the opportunity to save for retirement with pre-tax, after-tax, and/or Roth contributions.

How to enroll

  • If you are wanting to enroll your church/ministry/college, please complete these steps.

  • If your employer is already enrolled with Servant Solutions and you are ready to start a retirement account with us, please complete these steps. 


  • Email us your questions.

  • Call (800) 844-8983 Monday - Friday, 8AM to 12PM and 1PM to 4:30PM EST