Servant Solutions

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No Matter Where You Are in Ministry, We Can Help You!

Financial Planning for Pastors and Church Employees at All Stages

As fall surrounds us with evidence everywhere it reminds us just how fleeting time is.  Summer, which seemed to go on forever when we were kids, seemed like the blink of an eye this year.

In much the same way time passes so quickly, we can be caught off guard with our financial preparedness and what that means to our retirement readiness.

Increasingly financial experts are telling us that Baby Boomers, that group born between 1946 and 1964 (ages 57 to 75), are now coming to retirement less prepared than prior generations. It is a serious problem. Studies indicate that 72% of Baby Boomers do not have a “corporate” traditional pension plan and are on their own to have saved well.  Unfortunately, most have not.  We’re working very hard toward not letting workers in the church face the same unprepared fate.

Mid-Ministry Career Financial Check-up

If you are mid-ministry career or more, it is important that you do periodic check-ups.  That is where we can help.  Servant Solutions is uniquely equipped and ready to provide you with planning assistance and the tools to prepare yourself for your retirement years.  But the first step must be yours!  A call or email to us gets the ball rolling.  We will be very proactive, but sensitive to the pace you desire in planning.  We promise not to over-step, but we will ask good questions and will indeed produce result-oriented plans to help you.

Servant Solutions is addressing these pressing issues on multiple fronts.  Let me share this with you.  Early in 2017 watch for the release of the “Overture Experience.”  Overture is targeted at our Baby Boomer ministry personnel.  It is a deep planning experience that includes resources provided by Servant Solutions (travel voucher to reach us, overnight stay, meals, etc.).  The experience encompasses a 24-hour period and will result in you and your spouse having the benefit of your own personal financial goal-oriented plan.  It will bring peace of mind that you know what is needed to arrive to retirement with financial health. If you are interested in an Overture Experience, please drop us a note.

Young Pastor Financial Planning

What if you are not a “Boomer”? Do we have a great planning process for you!  Servant Solutions and Church of God Ministries have partnered to bring to younger pastors the CARE (Clergy Advocacy and Resource Effort) Initiative.  Funded by a generous Lilly Foundation grant, this program is designed to provide assistance to pastors early in their career.  To learn more about the CARE Initiative go to

God bless you in your place of ministry and know that you have friends who deeply care about you at Servant Solutions.

Jeff Jenness