This seems like a simple question that can be answered by looking at your income, expenses, dreams, and goals. Even though the question is simple, the answer can leave many with a feeling of anxiety. The reason for the anxiety is not because what we have is too little or what we have is too much. The anxiety comes because no matter what we have, the answer to the question “how much is enough?” is almost always “more than I have right now.”
If You Could See your Future….
Is Retirement Really a Biblical Concept?
Retirement planning through each phase of ministry
Through the arc of time in ministry, families experience different chapters. Different periods are very unique containing times of challenge, times of waiting, and times of great fruit. These are often intertwined through the periods when ministry begins and fully through the seasoned years of ministry.
Welcome to the Real World! Now What Do I Do?
After graduating from college and entering the world of full-time work, I was faced with more responsibilities and more decisions than I was expecting. While in college, I had big ideas about how fast I could pay off my student debt, establish an emergency fund, buy another car, save for retirement, and start saving to buy a house.
How to Be a Successful Investor Over a Lifetime
At Servant Solutions, we often receive questions about investment advice. “Where should I invest?” and “How can I squeeze out more return?” are common questions….but are they where our main focus should be for those with a long-term investment approach needed for retirement investing? Although these are important considerations, we believe that your Contribution Rate is more critical than your Investment Rate. To put it simply, your “personal savings” behavior (how much, how often) is more important than “market” behavior (the ebb and flow of stock/bond prices). The article below from Ronald Blue & Co. provides keen insight into these dynamics. Our hope is it gives you a new and better perspective on investing for a lifetime. Enjoy!