As good as it sounds to have to think only one time about what you’re contributing to retirement and be done with that decision, such an approach will likely result in a significant shortfall in retirement funds. To say you may find yourself exasperated with your account balance when you’re closing in on your time of retirement might be an understatement.
Getting Back on Track
From Christmas splurges to vacations to nights out with friends to everything in between, it’s easy to spend beyond your budget. Start with a quick review of your budget. You’ll likely find that making a few simple adjustments can get you back on track. Consider using these simple, practical strategies to put your savings on the right track.
New Year: A Prayer from Rev. Dr. James Earl Massey
Can pastors ever retire?
Market Commentary February 2018
We all have been somewhat spoiled by the smooth upward rise of the market for the last several years, but now that “roller coaster” feeling of the stock market is back. So far, February has been an eventful month for the stock market, dropping nearly 8% from recent highs. Although investors experienced an unusually calm and positive ride in 2017, volatility is back.