Don’t let one accident, one illness, or one storm rob you of the assets you have saved and invested towards your retirement and other goals. Ask your friends and trusted mentors for the names of trusted insurance professionals. Then review your risk exposures and gain peace of mind by being properly insured.
Christian Reflections on the “Hire Slow, Fire Quick” Approach
Why Should I Consolidate?
At Servant Solutions, we understand the unique challenges and demands faced by ministry employees. Amidst your noble calling, it's crucial to ensure that you're also taking care of your own financial well-being, especially when it comes to planning for retirement. That's why we're here to offer a suggestion that simplifies your financial future: consolidating your retirement funds into one account with Servant Solutions.
Leading with Heart: Nurturing Emotional Intelligence in Ministry
One key aspect that sets exceptional leaders apart is emotional intelligence. This quality, rooted in empathy and self-awareness, not only fosters a healthier workplace but also enhances the transformative power of your leadership. Here are some areas to keep in mind as you post your create a culture of emotional intelligence.
Social Security: It Pays to Delay
One crucial aspect of retirement planning that often goes overlooked is the timing of when to begin drawing your Social Security benefits. While it may be tempting to start receiving benefits as soon as you become eligible, delaying the start of your benefits can significantly impact your financial security in the long run.
Leading Well: Making Space to Be Nurtured
We believe your leadership is a divine calling, instrumental in building and nurturing the spiritual growth of those in your community. In this blog we offer some suggestions for leaders to proactively protect and prepare themselves for the strain of ministry roles. It is our hope that with this knowledge, you'll be better equipped to lead well and make a lasting impact for Christ.