Employee’s Toolbox
Our Employee Toolbox Series contains relevant resources to help ministry employees navigate their finances with clarity. Our team at Servant Solutions is happy to have the opportunity to educate and guide ministry employees through decisions that impact their future. Not finding the answer to a specific question? Reach out to us directly here.
Below you will find various education resources: booklets, calculators, videos and website links. They are organized as retirement resources, tax resources and resources for personal finance.
*Note: Each of the articles provided may be viewed and printed using Adobe Reader.
Retirement Resources
There’s a lot to think about—and plan for—when it comes to retirement. That’s why we’ve compiled a valuable set of resources to help you understand and choose wisely for your future. Have questions about Social Security, IRA options, or investments? Find all the information you need here! We have videos, articles, straightforward worksheets, and calculators to help you navigate your individual retirement path in the soundest way possible.
Retirement Planning
This booklet features tools to help you with your retirement goals. It contains the “Saving for Retirement Worksheet”, “Retirement Countdown Checklist”, and information on our Financial Roadmap.
Retirement Decisions
A Workbook to help select the right distribution option for you on your road to retirement.
Strategies for Success
Retirement education and planning booklet for the Servant Solutions Retirement Plan.
Estrategias para el éxito - Edición en español
Saving for Retirement Worksheet
A worksheet for estimating your annual retirement income from the retirement plan, Social Security, and personal savings.
Retirement Wellness Planner
An excellent online calculator and planning tool available through our bookkeeper, Principal.
Roth Contributions Within Your Retirement Plan
Use this calculator to help compare how each type of contribution (Roth “after-tax” contributions vs traditional “before-tax” contributions) might affect your paycheck and your taxable situation at retirement.
Investment Savings & Distributions
Use this calculator to see how long your investment savings can last once you begin taking retirement distributions.
Early Investment Benefits
Brief video explaining the importance and benefits of saving for retirement early in your career.
Roth 403(b) vs. Traditional 403(b)
Use this calculator to help determine the best option for your retirement: Roth “after-tax” contributions or traditional “before-tax” contributions.
Live Free - Seven Steps to Financial Freedom
Seven Steps to Financial Freedom for the Ministry employee.
Live Free - Edición en español
Compensation Planning
An 8-page guide to assist in compensation planning for ministry employees.
Eight Essentials of Retirement Planning for Ministers and Churches
This eBook lays out the roles of both the church and the employee in compensation planning, and best practices in planning for retirement.
Finishing Well…Continuing to make a difference
Walking with employees during their transition from ministry to retirement and beyond.
Tax Resources
There’s a lot of information when it comes to filing your tax return. We understand how daunting it can be to sort through and understand—that’s why we have compiled these resources. Below, we’ve provided detailed info about how to report retirement income received from Servant Solutions and best practices for handling your allowance and Social Security.
The IRS Retirement Savings Contributions Credit, also known as the Saver’s Credit, is available to eligible taxpayers who are saving for retirement through a qualified retirement plan at work or in a traditional or Roth IRA.
Form 1099-R Tax Filing Information
Informational sheet explaining how to report retirement income you received from Servant Solutions.
Form 1099-MISC & 1099-NEC Information
Read the details about who should be issued a Form 1099 and why.
Minimizing Income Taxes for Church Employees Find helpful information on how to structure your compensation for the best income tax benefits.
Personal Finance
The choices you make today impact the quality of your financial life tomorrow, and Servant Solutions wants to help you plan wisely for the future. Take advantage of our useful resources, including calculators, to help move toward financial freedom.
Live Free - Seven Steps to Financial Freedom
Seven Steps to Financial Freedom for Ministry employees
Live Free - Edición en español
This site provides a package of planning documents at no additional cost to members of the Servant Solutions Retirement Plan.
Tools to help you make money decisions today while preparing for tomorrow.
Mortgage Loan Calculator
Use this calculator to determine your monthly mortgage principal, interest, taxes and insurance payment (PITI) and amortization schedule.
Investment Savings & Distributions
Use this calculator to see how long your investment savings can last once you begin taking retirement distributions.
If you have other topics that you would like addressed, please feel free to contact us.
Disclaimer: The Toolbox series is presented as assistance to ministers, employees, employers, treasurers, and Boards and is not intended as specific tax or legal advice. You should contact your local accounting and legal advisers for specific assistance.