To the Point

Short and Sharp information useful for leaders and influencers



According to Thom Rainer, this movement is not slowing down. To the contrary, it is a movement whose fastest growth is just about to breakout as it moves from the early adopter stage to the mid-adopter stage.


4 Retirement Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

2018 has been a volatile year in the markets, which can be hard on your retirement savings. Many do not think about their readiness for retirement every day, but the present market conditions seem to force us to think about it more. So, while we are on the subject, let’s address the 4 mistakes that most savers commit in regard to retirement planning.

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Trends in Giving

At Servant Solutions, we are more than a just retirement and financial planning organization.  We work hard to focus on the broader Kingdom and what we can do to support you in ministry.  As part of this focus, we are sharing a two-part series looking at trends in giving.


pay attention to fees

There are three types of expenses incurred by all retirement plans: 1) investment, 2) recordkeeping, and 3) administrative.

  • Investment expense is the fee charged by the fund manager.

  • Record keeping expense is the fee charged by Principal to maintain your retirement account.

  • Administrative expense is the fee charged by Servant Solutions to support our day-to-day operations.