Servant Solutions — Blog — Mr. Jenness goes to Washington...

Mr. Jenness goes to Washington...

Here at Servant Solutions, we are so proud of our president, Jeff Jenness.  If you’ve met him, you know what a humble servant leader he is.  He is well respected and is frequently asked to serve on various boards and committees.  Most recently, he’s been a part of the steering committee for Church Alliance - a national organization that interacts with political leaders and government agencies on behalf of its member organizations.  They work to protect the retirement and health benefits provided to more than one million clergy, lay workers and their family members. He spent some time in Washington D.C. last week and shared some of his thoughts with us.

With tax reform and other issues looming that impact churches and pastors, I was privileged recently to be invited by the Church Alliance ( to work on Capitol Hill.  Over the two-day period, I met with numerous senators, congressmen and their staff members to discuss issues important to churches and pastors.  These interactions were fruitful and helpful to our continual goal at Servant Solutions to “Improve Financial Security for Servants of the Church.”  

I was once again impressed that, while there is much dysfunction and squabbling in our capital, our form of governance is still the best system in the world and provides great opportunity and freedom to our citizens.  We are a blessed people indeed to live in the United States and should never take that for granted.  During my time in the capitol, I was privileged to spend time in the Vice President’s office (pictures attached) and to see ‘up close and personal’ the functions of that office.  As someone from Indiana, it was a great encouragement to observe a fellow believer from my home state who occupies the Office of the Vice President.  It is also a great encouragement to know that he daily seeks wisdom from the Lord and conducts frequent Bible studies with his staff and other leaders.  It reminded me just how important it is to follow scripture’s admonition to pray for our leaders and I hope you will join me in that exercise.

We at Servant Solutions are so thankful to have several leaders in our very own tribe of the Church of God that serve in national leadership positions - and especially for our very own president, Jeff Jenness, and his work of “Serving Those Who Serve”.
