Servant Solutions LifeFunds Designed to Take the Tension Out of Your Investment Life

We think of tension as always being something to avoid.  Tension in life can be an enemy of our soul and health if left unattended.  But there are situations in which tension is a very good thing.  Here is an interesting example. 

I am blessed to live near an original covered bridge that was built in 1870.  It once served to allow horses and buggies to cross the river. But today it serves as a beautiful park for people to meet, walk, and take family pictures.

This magnificent structure was built with a technique call the Howe Truss method. Howe Truss construction relies heavily on using tension in a positive way. When applied to a bridge, this method would use wooden chords and the chords were linked together with sets of iron rods and wooden braces.

The introduction of this immense tension and compression made for a really strong bridge.  As testimony to that good tension, the bridge near my home has stood for over 150 years!

With that picture in mind, positive tension works with a solid, diversified retirement investment.  Servant Solutions, with help from our consulting partners at Ronald Blue Trust, designed the LifeFund series.  The majority of Servant Solutions participants use their LifeFund as the investment of choice for their retirement money.  And it works!  And here’s how:

LifeFunds are designed based on your birth year.  Each LifeFund is carefully crafted to include six to eight mutual funds appropriate for your age and how long you have to work before retirement.  Each investment mutual fund is doing a particular job to bring diversification and strength to the portfolio.

Sometimes these strategies are referred to as “target date funds.”  They are designed not only to spread the investments and reduce risk, but they also slowly change over time to become more conservative as you get closer and closer to retirement.

Well, how does that tie back to my bridge story?  The LifeFunds that we take great care to put into place for you use a healthy tension of the various investments in stocks, bonds and real estate, each of those asset classes leaning upon one another to provide growth with less volatility.

Like my bridge, that tension is a beautiful thing.  If you’d like to know more about your LifeFund, just give us a call.  We’ll make certain you not only have a good understanding of your investment position, but also that you have peace of mind.

Want to know more? Give us a call anytime. We’re glad to discuss your retirement account and provide guidance and information. We feel so very privileged to serve you and always want to serve you well. God bless you richly in your particular ministry and calling.