“When you aim at nothing, you’ll always hit your target: nothing.”
Those words from my dad as I received a Daisy BB Gun for Christmas many years ago still ring true in so many areas of my life. Firing aimlessly—whether with BBs from a gun or with dollars from my wallet—may be fun for a moment, but it produces nothing of lasting value.
“Firing aimlessly...may be fun for a moment, but it produces nothing of lasting value.”
At Servant Solutions we provide a variety of financial tools and personal planning services specially designed to help you focus your aim to hit your financial targets. And this financial planning help is FREE to all our members.
Our MoneyGuide Pro® financial planning system will help you develop your own personal, goal-based plan. Popular budget-driven planning tools often bury you in the details of monthly cash flows, those unpredictable streams of both income and expenses. That approach can be disrupted by a sudden illness, a job change, or an unexpected repair bill. And once the cash flows veer from your budget, it’s easy to abandon the plan. That can leave you even further from reaching your most important goals.
We instead take a goal-based approach to help you develop your financial plans. We call it the Financial Roadmap. Like any good roadmap, it helps you target your destination and the best routes to get there. Our planning process helps you answer the two most important questions: How much are you regularly saving? And, what goals are most important to you?
Each member’s goals and resources are unique, of course. But there are some common principles which all good plans and roadmaps share.
For example, we’ve found that members who begin by honoring the Lord with the “first fruits” of His blessings and next prioritize the necessary contributions towards their top goals—such as retirement—will then also manage other cash flows well. They put the first things first and as a result develop the money attitudes and habits the Lord says He will bless. Read Matthew 6:24-34 as a reminder of this teaching from Jesus.
We send our members a birthday greeting on their 55th birthday. It includes an invitation to schedule a personal financial planning review with our financial planners. Why 55? That’s the start of “crunch time” to prepare for retirement. Not turning 55 this year? No problem. It’s never too early—nor is it ever too late—to start working on your own goal-based plan.
Please contact us now! Email us at Roadmap@servantsolutions.org or call (800) 844-6319.