Financial security should be more than just a future hope. It should be your expectation. Investing for retirement throughout your career is crucial for financial security in that it allows you to take advantage of compound growth and helps you build a significant reserve fund. The sooner you start and the more consistently you save, the greater the likelihood of achieving your goals and enjoying a comfortable and worry-free retirement. Smart, careful planning paves the way to a peaceful retirement and frees you from worry. At Servant Solutions, we commit to helping you get there wisely. The stewardship of resources is an ongoing process, and we’re here to serve you throughout your journey.
Three money decisions that have made all the difference - Pastor Jim Feirtag
When I graduated from Anderson University School of Theology in 2003, we accepted the assignment to leave Indiana and come to Texas. We had been married four years and had a one-year-old little girl. It was my first (and so far, only) Senior Pastor role. It was an adventure and we had a lot to learn about life, marriage, parenting, ministry and stewardship of our finances.
Are you aware of these tax savings opportunities?
Social Security: It Pays to Delay
Tax Tips for Gig Economy Entrepreneurs and Workers
It is currently estimated that 45% of working Americans report having a side gig or “side hustle.” Taxpayers must report their gig economy earnings on a tax return – whether they earned that money through a part-time, temporary or side gig. The IRS Gig Economy Tax Center provides information and resources to help this group of entrepreneurs and workers understand and meet their federal tax obligations.
Health care records that can help protect your finances
documents and the conversations that go with them can be hard and uncomfortable. But completing them now and having those talks while you’re able can help ease burdens if you become ill or after you’re gone. Servant Solutions is able to help through a free service provided by our recordkeeping partner, Principal Financial Group. Principal has teamed with ARAG* and now provides a package of estate planning documents available to you at no additional cost.