Servant Solutions

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The “Adventure” and Beauty of Advent

Every one of us at Servant Solutions loves the work we are privileged and called to do here. We all often refer to our daily work as an “adventure,” because that’s truly what it is—an adventure helping individuals and families plan for their financial future. It’s an honor as well, as most of the wonderful people we serve answered a call to do the important work of sharing the good news of Jesus.

For us, the adventure centers around helping people plan wisely and prepare for a day when they’ll begin to slow down in their ministry roles. We’re here to help them make sure they’ve saved and planned well so that they have options in the ways they’ll serve later on in their lives. And an adventure this always is! Every person’s situation is different, so each solution is different, too.

The Advent Season

I hadn’t considered the relationship between the words Advent and adventure before, but their Latin roots aren’t far apart and for good reason, right? The days leading up to the birth of Christ were an incredible adventure!

In the book of Matthew, the adventure unfolds with King Herod attempting to make the Magi tell him the whereabouts of baby Jesus so that he could kill him. The three wise men of the Magi followed a star in secret that directed them on a long trip to find baby Jesus. Mary and Joseph had to find refuge in a lowly stable for the birth of a child who would literally change the world for all time. Those scriptures read like an incredible adventure novel. And it was all a part of God’s divine plan to provide us an avenue from sin and darkness through a savior, Christ the Lord. What an adventure! What an amazing, beautiful story—God sending us the most precious gift in the form of a baby, who would grow to become the Light of the World.

We at Servant Solutions want to wish you and yours a very blessed Advent season. It’s the time of the year that we all treasure as it represents the preparing of our hearts for the One who would set everything right. The waiting. The anticipation. The promise of what was to come and to be. And then the glorious “adventure” that changed everything for humanity—when God came down to be with us.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.